Evolutions Medical & Day Spa
Best massage therapists in Santa Barbara
Looking for the best massage therapists in Santa Barbara?
On this site we offer in depth information about massage therapy in Santa Barbara. Please be aware that this info, though accurate and thorough, is not meant to be comprehensive medical advice. Furthermore, since every client is unique, if you are considering massage therapy, we encourage you to call Evolutions at (805) 335-6067 and book a complimentary consultation with one of our massage therapists. They will be able to review your medical history, answer any additional questions you may have, and give you a personalized assessment of how we can help you.
Evolutions Medical Spa is pleased to offer clients in the Santa Barbara area the most effective and comprehensive Massage Therapy treatments anywhere.
This depends on the type of massage and the depth of the strokes. A light, relaxing massage that doesn’t probe very deep into the muscles, shouldn’t hurt. With that being said, there is a ‘feels good’ hurt and an ‘ouch, stop it’ hurt. A good massage, even a really deep tissue massage, should always stay in the ‘feels good’ hurt range. Pain can be an indication that the muscle is possibly injured or inflamed and pressure should be adjusted. Always communicate any pain during a session with your therapist. Also, pain can cause you to tighten up and negate the relaxing effects of the massage. The most effective and deepest massage always works with your body’s natural response, not against it. So why wait? Get started down the road to razor-free days today! Make an appointment for a complimentary consultation by calling Evolutions at (805) 335-6067 or fill out an online consultation request form.